SEO for contractors

Nowadays, having a presence online is essential, especially for contractors and builders. Most clients search online for a builder or contractor for their projects, and if you’re not promoting successfully, they’ll go with one of the many rivals who is. Here, we’ll explain the importance of digital marketing for builders and contractors as well as how these professionals may increase their lead and customer generation by implementing the newest marketing techniques and trends.

Starting Points for Contractor Marketing

Digital marketing can help contractors and builders generate more leads and increase website traffic. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO), or the natural section of Google when someone conducts a keyword search, as your initial action. One of the main objectives of digital marketing is to get your website to rank as a main possibility that people naturally click on so that you aren’t paying for every hit. This approach is keyword-based. So, you figure out what search terms your clients use to reach you, and you make sure those terms appear in the text on your website.


Google My Business is a significant component of web marketing that builders and contractors should utilize. It’s crucial for local searches and powers Google Maps. Ensure that Google My Business is confirmed for your company and that every aspect of your profile is full, including the appropriate category, images, operating hours, and a keyphrase-rich description. Be sure that your website, company name, address, and phone number are all accurate, of course.

Focus on Your Clients

In digital marketing, client targeting is essential. With regard to where you are going to want to draw consumers from, you should make sure that the material on your website is targeted towards the services you offer and the regions you serve. Establishing project pages is a quick and easy way to do this. For instance, you might develop content related to your service if, for example, you remodel a kitchen in Austin, TX.  You could rank for Austin local searches using the city, the photographs, and the material surrounding that project, which would attract the correct kind of potential clients to your page.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising is another factor to take into account. Similar to SEO, which is keyword-driven, PPC likewise uses keywords as the basis for bids. An illustration. You are charged whenever anyone clicks on your ad since you’re instructing Google to “Show my ad whenever anyone searches for kitchen remodeler in Austin.” You can also geo target your advertisement so that it only appears to users in that region while they are searching.


Pay-per-click marketing has the benefit of instant traffic and giving you a lot of control over when your adverts are displayed. Additionally, you can adjust the price based on seasonality.


You can also use pay-per-click marketing as a different strategy. Since you run remarketing from the same platform, when a visitor leaves the site, they will see your advertising. Remarketing will therefore keep your business in the forefront of a potential customer’s mind if they visit your website with a project in mind but aren’t ready to commit straight away.

The Key Is Content Marketing

Contractors and builders need to use content marketing. Because Google ranks these pages for specific keywords, you may utilize it to inform potential consumers, establish authority, and increase traffic to your website. Since content marketing increases traffic, it is a great approach to inform clients about a certain product or service, like bathroom remodeling. A design concept could be investigated, a building trend displayed, or a press release or article written. Good advice for content marketing? Make visual content, such as infographics. Because they present information in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and easily digestible, infographics are particularly helpful for builders and contractors. It’s simple to demonstrate your subject-matter expertise with infographics.

Increase Brand Recognition Through Social Media

For contractors and builders, utilizing social media is an ideal approach to keep in front of potential clients and increase brand recognition. Facebook, Instagram, and Houzz are popular social media sites for contractors and builders. On these, builders and contractors may post high-quality images and videos and run tailored advertisements depending on their location and interests. Therefore, you can run advertisements to people who reside in a specific city if you conduct a project showcase there to improve the likelihood that they will hire you.


Video is crucial, particularly for contractors and builders. This content promotes your business by visually demonstrating what you can offer a potential client. Additionally, there are other uses for the video. You can use it to display advertisements, promote your YouTube channel, or post it on the website or email. It can be utilized as a marketing and sales technique as well.

Email Marketing

One of the most effective marketing techniques for builders and contractors to maintain client relationships is email marketing. Email marketing raises the likelihood that someone who has their bathroom renovated would call you the following year to have their kitchen renovated. You can advance with leads who aren’t ready to commit by using email marketing. They have seen your communications, so when they are ready to begin a project, they will think of you. Businesses frequently utilize Mailchimp, a well-liked email marketing service, to keep their customers in mind.


There are a tremendous amount of wonderful and unique ways that can truly drive your contracting business forward and generate success. Be sure to do your research and put forth the effort in order to ensure a successful SEO campaign overall.

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